Soul Sessions USA (SSUSA) produces high-quality low-cost music industry video content, highlighting independent singers and songwriters, in a more intimate acoustic or “unplugged” presentation format. Its mission is to discover the hidden gems of original singers and songwriters around the world. Its vision is to stake a claim in the arenas of innovation as the convergence of television and the Internet inevitably occurs and subsequently affects film and the music industry, and all of its related product and service industries. SSUSA is designed to build, market and sell intellectual music property – specifically recorded music and music videos – while utilizing new talent of the music industry who have an abundance of passion and ability but who have either not been discovered yet or have not made it to the forefront of mainstream entertainment. SSUSA has tested this model in filming numerous high quality music videos of Honolulu artists for which it owns the marketing and sales rights. These videos are posted on a YouTube site at: soulsessionsusa.com.
Soul Sessions USA was conceptualized and developed by Jon Brekke (see photo left, taken on the set of shooting the SSUSA videos), with assistance by John Campos, and its initial series of videos were filmed to look like they could’ve come from anywhere (i.e. not solely from Hawaii) with a vision of replicating the format in many cities across the United States (hence the channel being called Soul Sessions USA). An online article that chronicles the very start of the venture can be found by clicking here. Three half hour television programs were premiered on a local network affiliate (one of these is featured below).
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