So Close Shig (T) (P)

Everyone is concerned about Horace “Shig” Shigematsu. For 20 years he has grieved for his dead wife, who was devoured by sharks while on her daily swim. And now since he’s sold his house and is on the verge of closing a business deal with someone he hasn’t even met yet, it seems he fits the pattern of an old Hawaii man ready to be taken for a ride by a shiftless wheeler dealer. But then it is Shig who takes the man for a ride, literally. For we discover that the purpose of their rendezvous is so that Shig can drug him, kill him, and bury him on the beach. Why? He is the last of 20 men who had slept with his wife, who he has methodically killed off over the years, and that his wife was his first murder victim; who he actually buried in his backyard and whose arm he hacked off and left at the beach to prove she was lost at sea. An offbeat dramedy, “So Close Shig” will have folks laughing macabrely at a maniac you have to love. Writer: Eric Nemoto. Consultants: Denny Hironaga, Dann Seki. Business Associates: Dann Seki, Earl-Louis. Pages: 97.