Tiramisu On The Beach

GENRE: Comedy Drama.

STATUS: In distribution. Tiramisu On The Beach is available for rent and/or purchase on Amazon (U.S. and U.K.), and on YBS’ own online movie platform, Serenergy. It is also available on the Roku TV public streaming channel, All Hawaii TV. Tiramisu was also accepted to and screened in all 12 of the Lift-Off Global Network’s Online International Film Festivals. These were the 2022 London Lift-Off Global Network’s Online Film Festival, the 2023 Berlin Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Manchester Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Austin Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Tokyo Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Toronto Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 New York Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Los Angeles Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Paris Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Amsterdam Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival (where it made the network round of the best feature movies, one of eight to be selected, see screen shot and YouTube announcement to follow below), the 2023 Melbourne Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, and the 2023 Sydney Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival.

2023 Amsterdam Network Round Announcement – Screen Shot

2023 Amsterdam Network Round Announcement – YouTube 00:06:20


LOGLINE: At a chef prepared dinner on a beach in Hawaii, two lawyers, ex-lovers, engage in verbal warfare about the male and female species.

IMDb: Tiramisu On The Beach

The Day After – A Scene From “Tiramisu On The Beach”

The Origins Of Tiramisu

Before Yellow Brick Studio embarked on making a movie of Tiramisu On The Beach, a number of previous versions were first produced, and all of these productions proved to be immensely successful. What follows is a listing of all of the different productions that were created over the years.

Stage Play – TAG – The Actors’ Group (2004)

The original version of Tiramisu On The Beach began as a stage play in 2004. Eric Nemoto and Jon Brekke co-wrote a play that was produced by TAG – The Actors’ Group, one of Honolulu’s finest community theaters. The comedy drama followed a man and a woman, Wren and Tara, two high powered attorneys and former lovers, as they meet at a beach park to celebrate what is thought to be a successful out-of-court settlement on a sexual harassment case. But everything goes crazy when the woman says her client wants a lot more money which then turns the evening into an endless verbal war that evolves into a battle between the sexes. Jon directed. Eric played Wren, Dorothy Stamp played Tara, and James McCarthy played Paul, a supposed French chef.

Tiramisu Play Cast & Dir

GREAT ‘TIRAMISU’: Jon Brekke, left, director of The Actors’ Group production of “Tiramisu On The Beach,” congratulated Dorothy Stamp, Eric Nemoto, and James McCarthy after the threesome played to an overflow crowd at the Yellow Brick Studio on Saturday. So many paying customers showed that Brekke gave up his seat and listened from the hallway. TAG’s provocative look at the ways men and women relate to the concept of sexual harassment continues Thursday.

John Berger, Honolulu Star Bulletin, May 2, 2005

The stage review: Gender Conflict Propels New Play

Dinner Show – The Indigo Restaurant (2005)

Another version of Tiramisu On The Beach was staged in 2005. This time Jon produced a unique dinner show version of Tiramisu where the audience actually ate the same meal as the actors who performed the play on stage. It was performed for eight performances during as many weeks at Indigo Restaurant in Honolulu. Eric continued to play Wren, James McCarthy reprised his role as Chef Paul, and Cassandra Wormser played Tara. Jon directed once again.

Tiramisu Indigo Review

The review of the dinner show: Dramatic Dinner Plans

Seminar Centerpiece – Oceanic Time Warner (2006)

The same cast (Eric, Cassandra, and James) and crew (Director Jon) produced yet another show. Tiramisu On The Beach was staged as a breakfast show version to serve as the centerpiece of a morning seminar on sexual harassment for Oceanic Time Warner in 2006, where Jon worked as the artistic director. It was held at the Hawaii Okinawan Center in Waipahu, Hawaii.

Tiramisu Poster

The Original Tiramisu Poster Created By Rich Richardson

Dinner Show – The Arts At Marks Garage (2012)

Yet another version of Tiramisu On The Beach was produced in 2012, when Jon produced another dinner show version of Tiramisu. This production featured three shows performed at the Arts at Marks Garage in Honolulu. Jon directed once again, Eric continued to play Wren, James continued to play Chef Paul, and the role of Tara was taken over by Lauren Murata.

At The Arts At Marks, James, Lauren, And Eric Reveled In The Gastronomical Delights Of Tiramisu

The Movie Project

A year after YBS filmed Natural Reaction, Eric found an executive producer for another movie. This was William J. Schaedel, a long time friend. Bill originally was interested in backing another movie project, World Buffet, which he thoroughly enjoyed watching when the play was staged by TAG – The Actors’ Group (the production was staged as a dark night on February 9th through the 11th, 2009, the cast photo for which appears inset). Bill, however, wanted the movie to be based in Hawaii, rather than being located in New York (a room in the United Nations building). In discussions that ensued, Eric reasoned with Bill that if staging a movie in Hawaii was important (Bill reasoned there was an attraction to Hawaii’s exotic appeal), then Tiramisu On The Beach would be the obvious easier production to produce. For it had a set cast, a proven script, and if filmed in a good beach location as a backdrop, yes, it could proved to be a winning combination. Bill saw this logic and eventually agreed, and so pre-production ensued. Through the help his sister-in-law, Danna Holck, the general manager of the Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore of the island (Oahu, Hawaii), Eric then secured the ideal location. Efforts were made to raise added funds in support of Bill’s contribution. In the video below James McCarthy (Chef Paul), Lauren Murata (Tara), and Eric (Wren), the cast members from the last time Tiramisu was produced as a dinner show, promoted the upcoming movie in a Kickstarter campaign. While the campaign was unsuccessful, this video, written by Eric and filmed and produced by Jon, provides a good tongue-in-cheek overview of what the movie is all about.

Tiramisu On The Beach – The Kickstarter Video

Of course, as usually happens in the world of indie filmmaking, the perfect scenario for an easy shoot, took a turn for the problematic when lead actress, Lauren Murata, had to bow out because of personal matters and scheduling conflicts. At the time, the shoot looked dead in the water. But Jon then put out an audition notice in a Los Angeles based online casting service, and the result produced a great find. Talented actress Claudine Quadrat (see photo below), a native of New York at the time, responded to the casting call and was cast as the new Tara. What was previously thought to be a deal breaking loss with Lauren’s departure, turned into an even greater win for the production. YBS signed Claudine to a contract, flew her in, found lodging for her, transported her each day to the set location, and she proved to be another great addition to the Tiramisu legacy.

Claudine Quadrat

The Production Shoot

Tiramisu was filmed on the beautiful grounds of Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii in February/March of 2015. Financed by Executive Producer William J. Schaedel (see photo left), and supported by Island Film Group and Hawaii Media Inc., the movie was shot in 10 incredible days by the YBS production crew who had to brave the wind and the rain, while trying to assure that the production did not adversely impact vacationing yoga enthusiasts (Turtle Bay was hosting the “Wanderlust” festival, its biggest conference of the year), or affect the birthing of a monk seal that was thought to be ready to give birth near the shoot location. The setting for all of the scenes took place near the Keiki Pool, a cove about a half mile east of the hotel along the coast. The Keiki (“child”) Pool is named for its ever-calm and safe swimming environment for children. This natural pool was formed during 1946 tsunami that pushed up two ocean bedrock formations creating a protected enclosure, making it much calmer than the surrounding waters. Every day, for 10 days, cast and crew would drive a caravan of cars and SUVs from the main hotel parking lot, along the beach, through the golf course, and through the forest; hauling film equipment, personnel, and craft in order to set up our shooting location. A bit challenging to say the least. But the efforts were worth it. The shots for Tiramisu looked great and a great romantic comedy was anticipated when finally completed. For the movie, Eric (Wren) and James McCarthy (Chef Paul) reprised their roles from previous productions, while New Yorker (by way of Florida) Claudine Quadrat, played Tara.

Photos From The Tiramisu Shoot Courtesy Of Mike Mazzola

Tiramisu is about a man, Wren, and a woman, Tara – intense, high-powered attorneys representing opposing sides in a sexual harassment case – who meet at a beach park to celebrate an out-of-court settlement. They represent opposing sides of a sexual harassment lawsuit, with Wren representing the old CEO of the company who is accused of sexually harassing his personal assistant represented by Tara. Because they have arrived at a verbal agreement to settle the case with the CEO paying $200,000, Wren has arranged a chef catered dinner on the beach. Of course, Wren and Tara are not unknown to each other. In fact they know each other well, very well. Many years before when Tara was a young para legal she and Wren, a partner, had an affair which ultimately turned ugly when she was fired and then subsequently sued the law firm for the same reasoning, sexual harassment. The irony is enhanced even more by the fact that since that time she has gone on to become an expert in her field (sexual harassment) and no longer is the subordinate to Wren, who was back then the “all powerful partner” who might have taken advantage of the young naive woman that Tara once was. As a wacky Chef Paul arrives to start preparing their fine dining experience, Tara announces that her client is no longer willing to accept a “mere” $200,000, but now wants $5,000,000. This totally unexpected matter then sets the tone for the rest of the evening where both Wren and Tara trade verbal punches about each other as well as then entire male and female species as a whole. In the end, both their professional and personal viewpoints are revealed as they recount and explain their actions when their own affair imploded long ago. A delightful movie about sex, the law, and food, Tiramisu On The Beach will be the perfect movie to show the office secretary… or, personal assistant… or, administrative assistant. Whatever.

The Following Are Additional Rough Cut Scenes From The Movie

Tara Arrives And The Subtle Sparks Start To Fly

After Dinner The Source Of Their Antagonism Comes Out

The Next Morning The Case And Their Past Are Both Resolved


Truth be told, Tiramisu On The Beach could not have been completed without the contribution of Larry Cortez (see inset photo), who went well beyond the call of duty and literally saved the movie. Due to complications with saving the sound recordings during the shoot (the sound for some days were lost), the post-production of the movie eventually ground to a halt. Larry, fresh off of filming another YBS movie, World Buffet, heard of the problems and volunteered his services, and no greater gift to the production could have been granted. With amazing intensity, Larry took on the challenge with a consuming passion, and provided work that was nothing short of Herculean. Not only did he serve as the editor of the movie, he inserted B-roll footage, worked on the sound design, personally handled all ADR recordings of the actors (Eric and James in Honolulu, and Claudine in L.A.), took added location shots to insert into the movie, coordinated and conducted the drone shots, edited the movie trailer (see below), created the music design, and was the person who reached out to singer/songwriter Kapono Na’ili’ili, to allow the production to use his wonderful music to serve as the the movie’s soundtrack. In short, he was a Godsend who did yeoman work, and who basically took a project that at one point was plain dead in the water, and gave it glorious life.

Tiramisu On The Beach – The Trailer As Edited By Larry Cortez

For information on other movies produced by Yellow Brick Studio / LegacyVision Films click HERE.