as words breathe |
GENRE: Drama.
STATUS: In Distribution. as words breathe (under its original title of A Breath To Survive) is available on YBS’ own online movie platform, Serenergy, as well as the Roku TV channel All Hawaii TV (also as A Breath To Survive). Additionally, A Breath To Survive was also accepted to and screened in all 12 of the Lift-Off Global Network’s Online Film Festivals. There were the 2022 London Lift-Off Global Network’s Online Film Festival, the 2023 Berlin Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Manchester Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Austin Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Tokyo Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Toronto Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 New York Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Los Angeles Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Paris Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Amsterdam Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, the 2023 Melbourne Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival, and the 2023 Sydney Lift-Off Global Network Online Film Festival.
LOGLINE: A woman unplugs from the corporate world and learns to find the art in her life.
IMDb: as words breathe
The Production
This movie was written, produced, and directed by Jon Brekke. It was his third feature length movie. And his intent with this film was to make a movie which would demonstrate how personal change could be accomplished while being entirely devoid of cliches. The result was as words breathe, a beautiful story of a woman who unplugs from the corporate grind and discovers the art in her life.
The Opening To as words breathe
After resigning her career path oriented bank executive’s job amidst parting comments from her boss that “she’ll be back,” Lisa (portrayed with great sensitivity by Stephanie Kuroda) finds herself confronting the stark reality that her world has been turned upside down. In the confines of her apartment we see her go through a metamorphosis as she deals with anger, grief, apprehension, fear, and finally acceptance.
Lisa Underwater
In the process Lisa attempts to reinvent herself by finding the true artist that lives within her, discovering a love of photography, music, and poetry. She is helped by her young niece, Sara (Brandi Taylor), whose visits help Lisa as she evolves during this transition in her life; but also, through the reality of Sara’s mother (Lisa’s sister) being a drug addict who doesn’t watch over Sara, gives Lisa a reason to go beyond just focusing on her own troubles. Through Lisa’s advice, Sara is spared the potential for abuse at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend, and in the end both Lisa and Sara, closer than ever, finally leave the apartment together to go on a hike, which serves to signify a brighter future for both, particularly Lisa, who has now evolved into a person who knows herself well and who will be able to accept life’s challenges with joy and confidence.
Sirens During as words breathe
Jon wrote, directed, and co-edited as words breathe and it is a visually striking piece of work with an amazing soundtrack. The movie was filmed periodically over a year in 2011 and took the equivalent of 25 literal shooting days (12-13 full days). It is an example of how moving drama can be accomplished by focusing on the arc of one character while filming in the most minimalist of settings – primarily the inside of one apartment with different scenes shot in various rooms. It was premiered on July 11, 2013 for an invited audience at the Consolidated Kahala Theatres in Honolulu, where it was very enthusiastically received.
The Ending Of as words breathe
A Breath To Survive
as words breathe was originally released under the title of A Breath To Survive. It features a terrific soundtrack and a brilliant high definition look, and its basic theme – one woman’s journey of personal discovery where the heroine looks within, to herself, to find out who she is – should resonate with all audiences considering the divisive nature of our current times.
It is a story that many who have gone through changes in their own lives will come to identify with and which especially resonated with those who viewed the movie at the premiere. John Kalani Zak, producer and director of the popular Hollywood soap operas, Bold And The Beautiful and Days Of Our Lives, captured the sentiments of many:
I just attended a screening of Jon Brekke’s film, A Breath To Survive. Lovely, sensitive film, relevant for anyone trapped in a life that no longer fulfills. Performances are subtle, deft, and effective. Beautifully directed and photographed.
as words breathe was also accepted to and screened in the Fandependent Film Festival.
The Movie Trailer For A Breath To Survive which would come to be retitled as words breathe
The Kickstarter Campaign
The office shots depicted in the “Opening Scene” required additional funding for which Jon eventually conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign held on Kickstarter. Below, actress Brandi Taylor describes the project.
To promote both the Kickstarter campaign and to discuss the eventual completion of the movie overall, Jon went on Hawaii Public Radio for an interview on June 7th, 2013. He gives a great account of having to handle the real life challenges of producing an independent movie. To hear his insightful comments click here.
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