I Am The Storm |
GENRE: Biographical Drama.
STATUS: In development. Ernest Benjamin Blood Jr. and Holly Gordon (see their respective biographies below) are teaming up to produce a movie through YBS/LegacyVision Films, about Holly’s remarkable life.
LOGLINE: The true life story of Holly Gordon, adventurer, artist, and poet, who endures an incredible series of traumatic physical and psychological events to become an amazing photographer, and in the process learns to control her own destiny.
In This Self Portrait, Holly Gordon Breaks Free Of The Chains That Had Bound Her
COMPANY NOTES: This project is co-produced by Holly and Ernest Benjamin “Ernie” Blood Jr. Holly will be sharing her life story with Eric Nemoto, YBS/LegacyVision producer, in order to write the script as well act in the lead role. Ernie will be providing the financing for the movie.
Holly Gordon’s life reads like it came from a movie script. Maybe that is why the stars have aligned in such a way to bring all of the necessary people together to bring her amazing life story to the screen, in all of its splendor, as well as its darkness. She has experienced amazing, adventurous highs as well as the lows of the darkest trauma. Holly has been a model, managed several successful businesses, and has felt the thrills of doing what most people only dream of doing and never had the courage to try. She has skydived 67 times, been an avid rock climber, and become an expert skier who has conquered New Hampshire’s most treacherous 40 degree snow bowl, “Tuckerman Ravine.” She’s been a world traveler, having studied at the University of Paris in France and Cambridge University, in the United Kingdom. Holly spent months exploring Thailand, India, Laos, Nepal, Peru, Turkey and many other exotic lands. She rode at least a dozen elephants in India, Nepal and Thailand, stroked the back of a baby whale that swam up to her in her tiny wooden rowboat in the waters off of Cabo San Lucas, and even played tug of war with a black bear over a huge plastic garbage can on a mountain top in Asheville, North Carolina. However, with her adventure, beauty and intelligence, she also suffered the pain of childhood trauma, violent domestic abuse, rape, a traumatic brain injury from a head on car collision, and severe depression that began in her childhood which, though to a lesser extent, still remains a part of her. Holly’s inner and outer worlds were shattered by a nuclear bomb of trauma… which were the darkest, the most emotionally and physically painful years spent with an evil, genius psychopath. Yet, she survived everything, that had left her world shattered, through tenacity and with a spirit that would never give up, no matter the pain. Through years of art therapy and various types of other therapy, she began to breathe again. She found release in writing poetry that would soothe her soul. She had horrible flashbacks and so many fears. But then, literally by accident, she found that she was a natural born, and brilliant, photographer. This enlivened her passion, even through the darkness. She has loved, and she has lost, but she survived to become a woman determined to help share with others who are suffering, the way she survived, through the wonderful and amazing, as well as the torture, the desire to end her life and the scarring emotional pain constant in her world. Her motto: NEVER EVER GIVE UP. The title of the movie comes from a vision she had during the darkest moment. She explains, “I was walking in a dank, dark forest, next to Satan. Without looking at me, he said, ‘Holly, you’re not going to make it through this storm.’ I turned to him, with his flowing cloak and burning red eyes, and, said, with a smile: ‘I AM THE STORM.’ Then left him standing alone in his hatred.” From that visceral moment, she stopped the descent of her existence and began her ascent back to a life of purpose. I Am The Storm will be a movie about the resilience of a woman who, against all the odds, returned from the depths of despair and tragedy, to gain greater control over her destiny… and to find beauty and passion in the world again.
I Am The Storm began on account of the chance meeting of two people on a golf course on an island off the coast of Florida. The following is largely taken from an account written by Holly Gordon, of her serendipitous meeting with a man named, Ernie Blood.
The Golf Course On Amelia Island – Site Of A Chance Meeting – Courtesy Of Holly Gordon
Amelia Island, Florida. That day as I dressed to go for a walk into the sunset with my dog, Luna, I had this feeling that I should wear something that would blow in the wind. Just like so many women I’ve photographed I always wanted them to have fabric that was blowing in the wind. I put on a light coral colored dress and a matching, flowing robe. When Luna and I took our usual walk along the golf course on the beautiful island where we live… a man came towards us. A tall striking man with soft white gray hair. He struck up a conversation and we found that we had things in common. One of them, which not many people have experienced, is that we both skied the most dangerous ski slope on the tallest mountain in the north east: Tuckerman’s Ravine on Mount Washington. Four weather systems converge there and avalanches are prevalent… and deaths are expected. There is no easy way to get to Tuckerman’s Ravine. I hiked six hours to get to the bottom of the bowl and then another two hours to get to the top of that 40° slope, which looks like straight down. But both of us, decades apart, climbed that mountain and survived the possibility of avalanche or of falling to our deaths down that snow bowl where if you fall, you are likely to die. But when you have a name like Ernest Blood, you’re not afraid of much. And he knows that about me also. Ernie was staying on Amelia Island, where I live, for a few months. I showed him around the island and we would get together for dinner or for a walk with Luna. Such an interesting man, Ernie won a technical Academy Award for a patent that he created that has helped the film industry significantly in dramatic movement. You’ll have to get some the full story from Ernie. I found Ernie’s work in the film industry to be fascinating. He’s an amazing engineer. And he found my life fascinating. I have a history of severe trauma over a long period of time. And, I have experienced so many fantastic adventures. A few days after we met, Ernie started talking about wanting to produce a film about my life. I am a professional writer and photographer, and I’ve been wanting to make a film for a long time. I just didn’t think it would be about me! Ernie and I want to use this opportunity to tell my story so that others will know that it is possible to survive… to overcome virtually anything. Ernie and I ate a lot of sushi and hiked for miles as we dialed down the purpose and scope of the film. Ernie as the executive producer, me as a contributing writer and as the lead actress. Ernie was already making another film, “Prof Blood – Basketball’s First Great Coach,” with Yellow Brick Studio in Hawaii, and contacted Eric Nemoto, its owner and producer. Within about three months we had a plan and a contract. Ernie and Eric are excited about this film. After years of not knowing how to describe my experiences to most people, finally Ernie sees that my story is worth being told. Ernie was listening and Eric also. They both believe in the story and I believe in telling my story.
Ernest Benjamin Blood Jr., known to his friends as “Ernie,” has had a vast and significant career in science and technology. He was the president and chief technology officer for Ascension Technology Corporation, a world-class manufacturer of electromagnetic tracking systems for the medical OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and medical simulation markets. After co-founding Ascension in 1986, Ernie managed all of its company operations, leading it from a high-tech start-up to a world-class maker of advanced three-dimensional motion tracking devices. He is hailed by many in the industry as the world’s foremost expert in magnetic tracking technology. He helped develop first-generation AC magnetic tracking in the 1970’s and invented second-generation DC tracking in 1986. His landmark work with magnetic sensors enabled Ascension to make significant contributions to the fields of medicine, flight simulation, virtual reality, computer animation, and biomechanics. He also oversaw the development of third-generation magnetic and optical trackers primarily for use in medical and real-time visualization markets. GE Healthcare, Hitachi, Civco, Ultrasonix and other medical companies include Ascension’s magnetic sensors in minimally invasive products for improving procedural vision, guiding biopsy needles, and ablating lesions. For his outstanding contributions, he was inducted into the Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering (VASE) in 2010. Founded in 1995 and chartered by the State of Vermont, VASE “honors the accomplishments of scientists and engineers, promotes the interests of science and engineering within the state, educates Vermonters about the importance of those fields, and helps state government resolve scientific and engineering problems.” As a VASE inductee, Ernie joined a highly accomplished, select group of 55 Academy members at the time who had made significant contributions in science and engineering. In addition to his career as a science and technology entrepreneurial leader, Ernie is an avid skier and throughout his life has been active in many team sports. One particular sport holds a special affinity to Ernie and his family history. This is basketball. For Ernie also happens to be the grandson of Ernest Artel Blood, also referred to as “Prof Blood,” who is one of the greatest coaches in the history of the game, and a member of the basketball Hall of Fame. To bring the story about his famous grandfather to the world, Ernie is also the executive producer of another film being produced by YBS/LegacyVision Films, Prof Blood – Basketball’s First Great Coach.
In truth, a good portion of Holly Gordon’s life is filled with traumatic experiences that are too personal to reveal in extensive detail here. In a way, the eventual script, and the subsequent movie to follow will likely prove cathartic for her, and moreover, what sensitive material, and the extent of its revelation, will largely be determined by what Holly chooses to reveal. However, there are portions that can be openly listed here, for they make up the crux of why it is that her life was plunged to such depths of despair. Suffice to say these are not the only experiences that will ultimately be depicted in the movie but it provides enough now to portray the kind of descent into a personal hell that Holly had to endure.
The Psychopath
Holly would become involved with a man she would come to call, “a violent freak of nature.” A man who would physically and verbally abuse her and leave her physically battered and emotionally scarred. He would enjoy hurting her, scaring her, constantly keeping her off balance, and cause her friends to stay away, and in the process he would nearly destroy her business by associating himself with her, which would ultimately cause patrons to stay away due to their fear of him. She would come to find that he was “evil incarnate.”
Holly After The Damage Done By A Psychopath
In retrospect, the man was actually a kind of psychopathic genius who figured out exactly what Holly wanted in a man, subsequently immersed himself into becoming just that, but then months later, after he moved in with her, he would become evil incarnate, someone who liked creating pain and fear, and made sure that Holly felt afraid every day. He initially appealed that he wanted to learn how to photograph people through Holly, stating that he had done product photography, but not people. So, Holly allowed him to become her assistant. It was a big mistake, one that would prove to be almost a fatal one. What would in retrospect be so clear, would not be picked up in the moment. Holly opened the door for him. He came in and took over. She would eventually become a slave for him in his own businesses, and controlling her every movement. And upon the inevitable failure of his businesses, she would become the target for his anger. Perhaps the severity of all of his violence, manipulation, and numerous controlling tendencies is best captured by Holly’s own description of an incident she can never forget.
So, I told him that I didn’t want to be in a relationship with him any more. Then my life changed. I was rushing down a dark cold tunnel to Hell. I had no idea what was coming. At 6’2” and a black belt in martial arts, he never seemed menacing until now. This is the scene of blood and imprisonment. Somewhere a tortured wolf let out a death cry for me. The blood was coming. I could hear the chains. What was he capable of? He was in prison for 18 months for counterfeiting. While there, he became a brilliant player of all things internet. He learned how to code. He learned several different computer languages. He became the main IT guy for Firehouse Subs. He could con just about anybody into whatever he desired. The evil was coming. My imprisonment. My loss of freedom. Me. Everything was about to be shattered for a very long time. I told him that I wanted to end our relationship. Immediately his façade morphed into something exceedingly ugly, terrifying, inhuman… He said, “If you leave me, I will handcuff you inside this house with all your pets and I’ll burn the house down.” I didn’t believe him. I scoffed. Then he said, “I’m going to smash my head against the metal corner of this wall, bleed all over my face, take a photo and put it on Facebook, telling everyone how you attacked me.” I folded my arms and said, “Yeah, right. Get out.” Then, without any hesitation, he smashed his head with horrific force against the metal corner of the wall and blood poured from a huge gash in his head, down his face and into a growing puddle of evil on the floor. I was completely shocked at his lack of fear of pain and his lack of reaction to the gushing gash in his head. He took a photo, posted it on Facebook, said that I hit him, then forced me to glue the hole in his head back together with super glue. That began the chapter in my life that grabbed me during the huge success of my photography career and destroyed my mind, heart and belief in myself through manipulation, torture… and worse. I wish I was making this up. I really wish I was making this up.
A Blood Splattered Wall – A Stock Image Reflecting A Horrifyingly Surreal Moment
Holly would suffer severe beatings and in the ultimate act of his violence, nearly die of strangulation as he bent her head over the side of the bed as he sat atop her body and arms, leaving her completely immobilized not being able to move at all, and there was nothing that she could do. He stared into her eyes as he squeezed her throat and caused her to lose consciousness. Holly later would wake to find herself splayed out on the floor and after a while she realized that she was at least alive. Now she knew that at anytime, without any weapon, the maniac could kill her, and that was his point. From this incident her vocal cords would be permanently damaged, causing her voice to be deeper and huskier. In her own words, everything changed after that, and she never felt safe again.
The Revenge Fantasy Photo That Holly Would Take To Represent Her Fighting Back
The Other Life Altering Experiences
Under any other circumstance, the brutal experiences encountered at the hands of a maniacal person would be enough for anyone’s lifetime. But the tragedy that befalls Holly includes more, much more. She suffers from depression which through therapy she discovers may go back to trauma she experienced during childhood that she chose to block out of her mind. She becomes the victim of rape while in Europe. And as if she needed even more adversity in a life filled with often times insurmountable hurdles, she is involved in a head-on automobile collision which damages the left side of her brain, the logical and analytical side. All of these experiences will be given extensive coverage in the eventual movie.
Her Back To The Wall, Holly Eventually Becomes A Warrior
Holly would eventually find the inner strength to rise like a phoenix. She had always been an adventurer and that spirit undoubtedly helped her. Her photography would provide the canvas on which she could express her feelings in a visual way. Poetry would enable her to capture those feelings internally so as to finally soothe her raging soul. And art therapy would assist in helping her to gain an understanding of her feelings. Undaunted by the physical damage suffered to the left side of her brain, she found that the injury actually enhanced the creative juices flowing through her and actually helped her to ascend into being an even more accomplished artist than she already was.
The Adventurer
If there is a word to describe Holly, it is “survivor.” And she was likely aided in her becoming such by her adventurous background. For one is more apt to deal with great adversity if one has successfully faced many chosen challenges of their own making. And towards this point, there is no doubt that Holly has certainly chosen a life of adventure.
To start with, she has been a world traveler. She has traveled to India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Turkey, Greece, the Turkish and Greek Islands, France (where she studied at the La Sorbonne or University of Paris), England (where she studied at Cambridge University), Italy, The Netherlands, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. She has also lived in Philadelphia (PA), Rochester and Albany (NY), Connecticut, and New Jersey (all by the time she was seven-years-old), the heretofore mentioned, Paris, France, and Cambridge, England, for school, and Santa Cruz (CA), Maui (HI), Atlanta (GA), Jacksonville (FL), Dunedin (FL), Eleuthera in the Bahamas, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Brunswick (NJ), and Princeton (NJ). She currently resides on Amelia Island, Florida.
She is an avid rock climber, who did her first ascent in Canyonlands, Utah, at a very dangerous site to climb. It was a path on a mountain located in Poison Spider Mesa, a 13.5 mile heavily trafficked loop trail located near Moab, Utah. The ascent involved following a very abrasive sandstone crack where she had to wedge her fists into the crack and twist them, which often would be the only thing holding her up. Since it was a first ascent for her, she got to name the route, and so she called it, “A Taste of Venom.” Of her experience, Holly would comment that she, “Left a lot of blood on the crack and happily still have several scars on my hands from the wonderful and crazy experience.”
She is also an experienced skydiver. She took her first skydive when she was 18, and she went at it alone, as there was no such thing as tandem jumps at the time. So, from her first jump to her latest, she has jumped alone. She started with military, round parachutes, then moved onto modern wing-type parachutes, where after 20 jumps she got her skydiving license. She has made 67 jumps from 13,000 feet to 20,000 feet, and has done stunts with her more experienced skydiving friends that are not supposed to be attempted until one has had at least 500 jumps. Admittedly, Holly says, “I’m not good at following the rules.”
Whether Skydiving, Skiing, Or Riding An Elephant In Nepal, Holly Has Always Been In The Action
Of all her many activities, her love of skiing probably best defines her character, since she has skied the notorious Tuckerman Ravine, which is on the southeast face of Mount Washington, in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and is the tallest mountain in the entire Northeast of the United States. Referred by many as a place where skiing legends have been made or broken, it is best known for the many “spring skiers” who ascend it on foot and ski down slopes that are some of the steepest ski routes in the country. In the photo above, the black line indicates the trail that Holly took to get to the top of the mountain, a hike that took eight hours. The pink line shows her general descent.
Photographer Extraordinaire
The following is paraphrased from an interview of Holly done by the Voyage Jacksonville Magazine and published on October 7th, 2021. The article, entitled “Daily Inspiration: Meet Holly Gordon,” can be read in its entirety.
At 40, Holly started modeling again. A friend of hers was putting together a photography workshop in Wisconsin where there were two photographers who were the teachers. All she wanted was for them to photograph her. But as fate would have it, they already had all the models they needed, so Holly decided to go to the workshop as a “fake” photographer. She bought a used Canon 40D and at the start didn’t even know how to put the battery into it. She never took photography seriously until she went to this workshop. But after the very first lesson, she was hooked. The camera became her window to a new world and she set about exploring it. After a time of photographing everything she could envision, she then went on to work with her own actual models, with ideas bursting out of her head at every turn. She brought clothes, accessories, and props for the models to wear and hold, and chose one particular model, Marie Blanchard, a Haitian with beautiful golden brown skin, to pose for her. Holly had brought a blue silk scarf with gold edging and she wrapped it very carefully around Marie’s face. Using one light, she asked Marie to look up as if she was looking into God’s eyes. The result was magic.
The Haitian Woman
It is still the photo that Holly believes is the best she’s ever taken. That photo won awards, two artists from Italy asked if they could do a painting from this photo and many photographers actually stole the photo and sold prints of it. Four months after that people were paying her to photograph them! It was crazy! While she had always been into art, Holly had never considered herself to be an artist. “I was just crafty,” she would say. But after that one workshop, there would be no turning back, no denying the fact that photography and art would become her life. She had found her true calling. In effect, the workshop, and a series of amazing shots to follow proved she was a natural.
A Sampling Of Holly Gordon’s Photography
After the accident in 2003, it took Holly 10 years for her brain to be semi-normal. Since her left side was injured, Holly’s right side of her brain, the creative part of her soul, suddenly woke up at the photography workshop. All of a sudden, she was an artist. Within a year, she had almost 5,000 followers on her Facebook account. She started her own business, created a website, and opened her photography studio, and soon her photos were published in magazines and her portrait, boudoir, and athletic photography would keep her busy. She had finally found her calling, ironically, thanks to her brain trauma. The following videos – which can also be viewed at her vimeo site along with many others – provide a great look into her work and overview of her craft. A quote from Holly about how she uses her photography to change women’s lives appears after.
The Boudoir Shoot
Behind The Scenes With Holly And Her Team
Holly Talks About Her Passion For Photography & Her Studio
The Interview Broadcast On The News Station WJXT
HOLLY GORDON PHOTOGRAPHY: “It’s About Changing Women’s Lives”
It’s about changing women’s lives with my photography. I live, breathe, eat and sleep with beauty dancing through alleys of my mind. Photography is my way of putting the ocean water in the bottle so that you can remember your experience at the beach. I don’t create photography. I am like a sculptor with a mass of marble… I find the art, the beauty that is within the subject. It is my job to bring that beauty to the surface and I release it to the eyes of the awaiting world. And then the beauty is kept there, in my computer, on a website, on paper, on my wall. It’s a memory, created from real-life moments with the subject. I feel beauty in everyone and everything. Sometimes I have to look a little harder or find a new angle, but it’s there. And the subject, usually a client, may experience a turning point in their life when they see how beautiful they are right out of my camera. “Oh,” as she catches her breath, looking at the LCD screen on the back of my camera, “That’s me!” My life experiences have forced me into being highly sensitive. It used to be painful. Now I am grateful. My sensitive x-ray vision always finds the beauty.
The Soul Of A Poet
Basically, for all her life, Holly has written poetry to express her thoughts and capture her feelings. And this ability helped her during her darkest moments. It afforded her a way to fight back as captured in the following poem, “Contained Inferno,” which Holly said changed her forever. She bought a Remington 870 tactical shotgun soon after for which the sound of it being loaded would scare most people away, even a psychopath.
And once, when she was living on Maui, Hawaii, a person who liked her poetry happened to be the editor of a new book that was celebrating 25 years since the first moonwalk. So much did that person like Holly’s poetry that she was hired for $1,000 to compose a poem – to which Holly would quip that she might have been the highest paid poet in the 20th century – about the moon landing. What they wanted her to write about was the future of space exploration. To this task, Holly did a lot of research on how the astronauts felt when they first turned and looked out the window at the earth. For most of them this – the moon mission and landing – became the crucial event that changed their lives. This poem appears below. It appeared as a full page on the inside facing cover of the book. She was then excited to hear from the editor that Buzz Aldrin, himself, read it and thought that Holly had caught the feelings, the spirituality, and the excitement of space exploration.
Healing Through Art Therapy
Holly will be the first to tell anyone who inquires that she is still dealing with her past. But in doing so she has made significant strides towards achieving greater clarity over her past traumatic events and ultimately gaining greater control over her own destiny. She credits this to the counseling help she has received through art therapy. Art therapy is a specialized area of mental health that uses art materials and the creative process to explore emotions, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and resolve other psychological conflicts. The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) states that art therapy can be an effective mental health treatment for individuals who have experienced depression, trauma, medical illness, and social difficulties. Making art in therapy can be a way to achieve personal insight as well as healing. For Holly, there were three significant recovery markers in her work with her art therapist.
First, Holly and her therapist decided to talk on the phone every single morning at 8:30 a.m. She had been having extreme anxiety and panic attacks, especially all morning, every morning, and would talk with her for years about her anxiety, panic attacks and inability, often, to even get out of the house. The turning point was that, it was only when her therapist heard Holly’s voice, and her fear and desperation every morning, that there arrived an understanding of what Holly was going through was much worse than what the therapist thought. This brought them into a new direction, and became comforting and helpful for Holly to speak about her thoughts and feelings every morning for about six weeks. Since Holly had been going through extreme emotions – depression, despondency, suicidality, a sense of worthlessness and shame – every day, it felt so affirming that someone wanted to really know how desperate she was to get better and to be free from constant fear and sadness.
The second major marker in Holly’s therapy was when she set a boundary with her therapist. They had been doing a therapy where Holly would draw seven large photos depicting the real and the emotional effects of a specific trauma or about a specific person who hurt her. Holly found this exercise to be extremely traumatizing… especially because she is a very visual person. For some of those drawings she drew, while not in all instances, were absolutely crushing in many cases. Hence, Holly rejected doing any more of that therapy, even burnt some of those drawings, and they decided to be more conscious about not re-traumatizing her.
The third major marker occurred when Holly would draw or paint herself during their art exercises, wherein she would always draw herself as the infinity symbol (the number 8 turned sideways). The major turning point, according to the therapist, was when Holly started to draw herself as a person, instead of an object. She was seeing herself in a more realistic and more human way, which led to a lot of healing.
Two of Holly’s artwork, created during art therapy, appear below. The one on the left was a response to her therapist instructions of depicting her learner attitude and the title for this piece of art is “Reverence For Learning.” The one on the right was done according to instructions to depict or show “Self-Love And Self Care” and is therefore entitled as such. In this second piece there are a lot of symbols called sigels, which are power symbols that are either self created or are ones that are already created. The sigel under the gold wavy line circle is one that Holly made and represents the Yin-Yang symbol in the fourth dimension.
Reverence For Learning Self-Love And Self Care
Writing, particular when a screenplay is being developed, is a journey. By this it is meant to say that through the actual writing of drafts, and re-drafts, the story of Holly Gordon will reveal itself. But while this will be done in due time, at the onset, it is presumed that much of the eventual script will include moments associated with what has been described on this webpage. We will begin by following a woman, Holly Gordon – who we will come to see is the focal point of our story – as she goes through her daily routine as a photographer in her studio. Photos will pop on screen which display what she is capturing through her lens. Holly is an enigma, a person in total control of her occupation, and yet there is something about her, something behind the mask of her competency, that leads us to believe she is deeply troubled. We will see her go through mood shifts, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but as a general thread through our story we will see a person we know has had a traumatic past, we don’t know why, but as the scenes continue we will eventually find out. We see that she utilizes poetry to convey her feelings, whether they be of anxiety, joy, hope, or anger. It helps her to relieve a constant pressure which we know is there, but, again, not fully knowing why. We will hear these words as she encounters events, some often mundane and rudimentary, yet somehow they serve as a trigger to her past memories. When these occur, brief, visual images will occur on screen, accompanied by reactions made by Holly, that give us glimpses to these moments. Holly will have many visits with her art therapist, which will help explain the reasons for these visions, and we will come to realize that she continues to suffer from complex post-traumatic stress disorder. And with respect to this, there will be times when our story will divert itself to an extensive flashback of the main source of her continuing difficulties. This is her traumatizing experience at the hands of a man she once had a relationship with, who turned out to be a controlling and violently abusive maniac who would make her life a living hell. He will become the central villain of our story. The art therapy sessions will serve to help tell the story of Holly’s past, through dialogue, and the flashbacks which may in turn feature fantasy sequences for which the audience may at first think is real, but then we realize is but a thought of Holly’s as she responds to questioning. Ultimately, her therapy sessions will lead to a break through moment that will enable her to break free of the chains of her past. As a secondary story, Holly will experience something in the present day – it is another challenge, perhaps a new friendship – that when seen to its fruition will symbolize her being able to positively go forward with her life. Our story will feature Holly portraying herself, and will be complemented by her photography and poetry, and while it will chronicle her dark past, it will end in light, as one of her favorite poems depicts.
For information on other movies in development by Yellow Brick Studio / LegacyVision Films click HERE.
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